Sunday, August 19, 2007

taking a day off (sort of...)

Hey everyone--since Kerri has done all of the posting on here, it seemed like I ought to chip in a bit as well. As she mentioned, Thursday was Freshman Move-In, and it was hot. Blazingly, incredibly hot. (Of course, I would expect nothing less.) Friday and Saturday were spent painting and redecorating inside the campus ministry building; as Kerri mentioned, we are attempting to make this place look a bit less like a Junior High youth room (the assumption being that such an environment is not appealing to the average college student).

So, needless to say, I am tired. I had originally thought about going back up again today to try and get more painting done, but I decided that (since I probably won't get much of a break for the next few weeks) it would probably be a good idea to take a little bit of a day off.

It is interesting how God is constantly teaching me to trust Him; although it is mildly frustrating that He seems intent on teaching this lesson by simply putting things completely out of my control and forcing me to come to Him. Needless to say, it is not an easy lesson, but one that I am slowly learning.

Pray for us over this next week--I have no idea how many people will show up on Wednesday. Pray that God will not only bring people, but that He will bring the right people and that He will help me not to worry. Talk to you all soon...

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