Monday, March 3, 2008

What a week

Sorry it's been a while guys. It was a very busy week. Not really anything exciting to write about, just busy. I worked on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday nights at IKEA. Eric officially started his job at IKEA this last weekend as well (he's doing cold prep in the restaurant). So we both worked on Friday night. Eric also worked on Saturday.

Met with the realtor on Thursday. She just kind of informed us a little more on how the process of buying a house works. Haven't started going out to look at houses, but have ruled a lot of them out online. Still not sure where we'll be in 2 months, but we know it won't be here since we're giving out 60 days notice today.

House sat for some friends this weekend. It helped me determine that I have no desire to live in Hamilton, or at least not anywhere except the eastern outskirts of Hamilton. Downtown is a mess to drive through. But, it made me want a house. It was so nice to not have to take Sadie out, but to just be able to let her out in the back yard. And it was cute to see her playing with the other two dogs. If we buy, I think we'll get a second dog very quickly to give her someone to play with.

So yeah, that's about all I got...

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