Sunday, February 24, 2008


I need a better attitude about my job. I just keep hoping that when I get my own classroom, and a history teaching job, I will look forward to going to school. In truth, there is a part of me that looks forward to work. I do enjoy working with students. But man this job is hard. Very hard.

I know it will get better. It has to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

friend, I feel the very same way. There are days when I positively dread draggin myself down to school, only to end the feeling like I just got trampled. But then the few gleaming days when it feels right makes me cling to the hope that those days will be more consistent.

it has to get better. what's this stage in teacher development called? do you remember that? the stages were like 1. fantasy 2. survival 3. expert 4. mastery or something to that effect. Well this is Def Con 5 Survival right now!
Love ya