Thursday, February 21, 2008

One Day of Work this Week

So, we had Monday off for President's Day, Tuesday off for conference compensation day, Wednesday off for a snow day, and now they've canceled classes for tomorrow too. So, I worked a grand total of 1 day this week at school. But man was it a doozy.

I don't know how many details I should put on this blog, but I'll just put it this way. One of my students stole my cell phone from my bag today in class, and he had to suffer the consequences. Legal consequences. If you wanna hear the whole story call me, and I fill in the gaps.

Eric is going to a retreat this weekend with other Ohio campus ministries. So I'll be alone this weekend. I hate it when he goes away. My dad always used to say that he didn't sleep as well when mom was gone. I never really understood that. I do's weird when he's gone. Oh well. It's two nights...I can make it :)

I actually got to work with the cash registers tonight at IKEA training. That's much better than than all the paperwork I have been doing. I assume it's gonna start getting kinda hectic at work there with opening only a couple of weeks away.

That's about it for now. :)

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